Placing this PUREFOLIO AIR PURIFIER TUB in my house makes me feel safe when I’m home. 有一种 不明显的问题 毕竟 肉眼看不到 的 可却时常都在担心 每次从外面回到家 不知道自己身上 带 了多少 细菌回家 当然进屋后会想 细菌不也一同也进屋了吗 在屋内的空气里飘着 这就是一直忽略的问题 所以庆幸遇到了 PUREFOLIO AIR PURIFIER TUB 真是放心了下来 有它在屋子里 消灭98%的细菌/霉菌/霉病 再也不是我的困扰了 摆放在你家里的任何一个地方 让它吸收周围的空气 空气重的细菌,霉菌。。通通消除! AIR PURIFIER GEL 用行动来保护你自己,也保护的身边的人 This AIR PURIFIER TUB is perfect enough to clean my house air naturally. It removes 98% of airborne microbes such as bacteria, mould, and fungal spores. Suitable within all enclosed air environment: Living spaces including bedrooms High moisture areas such as bathrooms and laundries Storage units, wardrobes and cupboards Public areas and work spaces Vehicles and other modes of transport Cool rooms and areas of high humidity Rooms with an air conditioning system including odours from pets, tobacco, damp, vomit, toilet and other household smells in enclosed spaces. #purefolio #bacteriafree #virusfree #covidkiller #pembunuhcovid #nonchemic...